Are Product Managers in High Demand?

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Have you ever wondered about the demand for product managers in India? This field remains relatively unknown to many, but you might be surprised to learn about the current status of product management jobs and the demand for product managers in the country. When choosing a career path, we consider various factors, including salary, personal interest, future prospects, and more. Product management, being a relatively new field in India, lacks clarity for many. If you want a better understanding of what product management is, you can listen to my other podcast. However, if you’ve wondered whether there are enough opportunities or if product managers are in demand in India, then this podcast is for you. I’m Sachin Sharma, with over 10 years of experience in product management, and I’ve mentored more than 1000 aspiring product managers.

Demand for Product Managers:
Let’s start by acknowledging some highly successful product managers whose names you might recognize from my previous podcast: Jeff Bezos from Amazon, Marissa Mayer from Yahoo!, Susan Wojcicki from YouTube, and Sundar Pichai from Google. These renowned individuals were once product managers, which speaks volumes about the potential and significance of product management. Product managers are in high demand across various sectors worldwide. They lead growth models and are increasingly preferred by companies. Considering this, it’s evident that product managers are in demand not only in India but also globally.

Statistics and Job Opportunities:
To support this claim, let me share some figures with you. There are over 20,000 job listings in the product management field on LinkedIn alone. This number reflects the substantial demand for product managers. Additionally, according to, product management is among the most popular industries, and it’s expected to have numerous job openings in the coming years. The field of product management is on a global rise, and India is no exception. The rapidly growing Indian market has numerous product companies, resulting in a high demand for skilled product managers.

In conclusion, a career in product management holds immense potential and is in high demand in India. This demand has significantly increased in recent years due to the growing need for skilled product managers to manage and drive innovation in the country’s expanding market. If you’re interested in exploring the opportunities in product management or enhancing your product management skills, stay tuned for more informative content. You can also become part of my community by joining my upcoming free training at Take action, and I look forward to serving you in my community. For those already part of my community, consider upgrading to the Diamond membership to fast-track your product management journey. 

Thank you for tuning in, and keep learning about product management through this podcast.

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